Is Dragon Ball FighterZ Crossplay?
It might come as a surprise, but Dragon Ball Fighter Z doesn’t have versions specifically for PS5 or Xbox Series.
This game, now six years old, continues to be updated with new characters and features. Its biggest update is being released today. Dragon Ball FighterZ is now available on current-gen consoles with support for rollback netcode.
This update, free of charge, will be accessible on February 29 according to your local time. Rollback netcode improves gameplay by reducing input delay and visual disruptions, swiftly handling every player input.
The update arrives nearly three months after thorough beta testing, ensuring minimal network issues for most players.
Rollback netcode will also be supported on PC and current-gen consoles. PC users have the option to toggle between rollback and the traditional delay-based netcode, with different matchmaking pools for each.
However, rollback netcode will not be available in Circle Party Match mode or Party Battle mode.
Is Dragon Ball FighterZ Crossplay?
Once you update to the latest version, you may question if there is crossplay support. The answer is no. There will be no cross-play between various platforms or within the same console family.
If you switch from the PS4 to the PS5 version, you can only play wit
h other PS5 users. This is also true for the Xbox version. Dragon Ball FighterZ should be available on PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S by the time you read this.
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How Cros-Save Works in Dragon Ball FighterZ?
- Moving save data between consoles is relatively straightforward, although it requires a few additional steps on PlayStation consoles. Make sure your save data from the PS4 is accessible on your PS5.
- If it’s not visible, you can transfer the save file from the PS4 to the PS5 using a USB drive. If you have PS+, you can also download the save data directly from the cloud to your PS5.
- When you start the PS5 version, choose the “Transfer Save Data” option from the main menu to begin moving your progress.
- You can do this transfer multiple times; however, each new transfer will overwrite the previous ones.
- It’s important to note that save data cannot be transferred between different platforms or from newer consoles back to older ones.
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How to Upgrade Your Dragon Ball FighterZ Game from PS4 to PS5?
Upgrading games on the Xbox is easy thanks to Smart Delivery, but it’s not as straightforward on the PlayStation. To upgrade from a PS4 game to a PS5 version, you need to download the specific PS5 app.
For a digital copy of FighterZ, find and download the PS5 game from the PlayStation Store. If you have a physical copy, insert the disk and choose the upgrade option on the game’s main page.
To use the upgraded PS5 game, the PS4 disk must remain in the console.
A tweet from @ShonenGameZ on X/Twitter mentioned that a “Legendary Edition” is being planned. This new version is expected to include all 20 DLC characters and might be the standard physical release for newer consoles.